Wednesday, May 9, 2018

My future job

The job I would like to have when I get graduated from the university is working indoors in a laboratory from a industry, I don´t actually know in what type of industry I want to work but I think I'll decide it in the future. This job I would like to have is mostly working in analytic chemistry in the laboratory.

 Doing this job I think I won´t travel so much but I think is someone gives me the opportunity of working in a laboratory out of Chile or in another place out of Santiago I would do it only if I'm well paid. Talking about the salary, obviously I want to get well paid but I also want to work in what I like and that is chemistry, but I think that if I need the money and I can't get a job working on chemistry, I've to work in another thing (that's sad).

Currently I'm studiyng a degree in chemistry and I'd like to study to get a PhD but I don't know specifically in what matter of chemistry I want to get it. I think a PhD in this type of career is necessary for someone who wants to be very good at this, and that’s my case, I’d like to get the maximum knowledge possible in chemistry :D.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Music in my life

To me music is more like a tool to be entertained at any time or to not stay in silence, I prefer to have music in the background when I'm alone rather than being in silence all the time but when I'm talking with someone I obviously turn the music off.

I don't like just one type of music genre but the one that I like the most is Metal and it's derivations like, Death Metal, Nu Metal, Thrash Metal, Progressive Metal and many others. When I started to listen to Metal I remember I was 12 years old, I started to listen to it mostly because of my dad, my uncle and a game called Guitar Hero 3 (awesome game). 

At the beggining I listened mostly Megadeth, Pantera and System Of A Down. For a lot of time Megadeth was my favorite band because of the complexity of their songs and the rhythm, then Pantera was my favorite band because of their "groovy" songs. 

Then with the time I began to feel bored by these bands and started looking for new ones and my taste of music began to change so I find a band called Opeth (progressive death metal) and I liked it a lot so I started searching for more Death Metal bands and eventually I found one of the most recognized band of Death Metal, "Death" in my opinion this band doesn´t have bad songs, their are all amazing and the rest is good.

Also I found the band Gojira which is amazing because of the quality of sound they can get and also they have my favorite song which is "The haviest matter of the universe" not because of their letter just 'cause of the rhytm, also  Lamb Of God was my favorite band for a while because their songs have a rhytm that is so good that you can´t love them. 

Nowadays I listen mostly Proggresive Metal from bands like Polyphia, Perypheri, Chon, Plini, Twelve Foot Ninja, Intervals and others of the same genre but that doesn´t mean I stopped listening the previous bands, I still like them :D .From the films that I´ve watched I liked the songs from "Whilpash" and the soundtrack of The Lord Of The Rings (I can´t remember more :P ).

Because of these type of music I like, I learned to play the bass so i could play my favorites songs with my friends or my uncle, actually, my uncle teach me how to play the bass and also I tried to learn by my self. Eventually I learned a song from Opeth and that´s the point where I stopped playing the bass because I needed more strings in the bass to learn harder songs so I felt limitated by this and got bored of it also because I don´t have the time to play with my friend anymore :( . Anyways I still like the bass, drums and the guitar but mostly when the rhytm that is played on them is difficult.

Some things about English...

Here is what I have to say about this course of english and also some things about "my" english. I can say that for me learning...