Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Mental Disorder: Dementia

Hi I'm going to talk you about a mental disorder which is called "Dementia". This mental disorder is actually a group of functions of the human brain that begin to have some funcionallity problems, like the capacity of reasoning and the capacity of holding memories. Also it affects the capacity of doing activities in your own and the intellect. 

In most of the cases is the old people that suffers of Dementia and in the world there are 50 million people that are affected from it. To cure this mental disorder you have to attend to therapies like "Neuropysichological rehabilitation", also there are some medications that help curing this mental disorder like the "Cognitive enhancers" to help to improve your mental functionallity.

I think that this mental disorder affects a lot any person, the society around it and also their families, even their capacity to work in any kind of job. In an early stage of Dementia you could actually do a lot of things and you mental funcionallity will be almost the same as a normal person, but in the mid stage of this mental disorder you will be disabled of working at anything because in this stage you will start to have difficulty to comunicate, remember things and you will feel disoriented, so in my opinion this disables you from any job.

This problems also have an impact on the families of the person who is affected by Dementia. The families of this person will start having to waste money on the treatment, also they will be in a very stressful situation I think because they want their relative to start getting better and if it doesn't happen it will be very sad for them I think.

And finally I think the society around this person will be very affected to because is not good to see someone affected by Dementia and this person could harm them. Annually there are $818.000 million dollars spent on the treatment of people with Dementia in the world, so I think this is a very important disease to the society


  1. so intereting post, I'm very interested in mental disorders

  2. my grandfather has dementia :( he forget everything u.u

  3. It's an awful sickness u.u, I wish it didn't exist


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