Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Some things about English...

Here is what I have to say about this course of english and also some things about "my" english.

I can say that for me learning english in the university was not too hard but I sometimes had troubles pronouncing some words, and that's very important if you want to travel to anywhere in the world or even when someone of another country is here in Chile. And I think that I'm not the only one that has some troubles pronouncing words, so for example in the course of English I'd make oral tests instead of making videos like an amateur youtuber haha, although making the video is still a good thing to practice oral pronunciation. 

Now about the blogs that we are making, I think they are good because we can practice grammar but the teacher should tell us what is wrong or good in order to improve our grammar. 
Also as I said before I need to improve my pronunciation and I can only do that by practicing and watching videos, and I also have to expand my english vocabulary so I can read things and watch videos with no problem, for example in a scientific career like this I have to learn a lot about "scientific english" so I don't have problems reading chemistry related articles or watching videos.

Nowadays I use english when I'm searching something on the internet or playing a videogame (I usually have them in english to learn more or just because dubbing is better) so I think I use english a lot, actually I use it everyday :) .

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

What I'd change about...

About the changes that I'd make to the programme of my career is to add a course about enviromental chemistry because nowadays is very important to know how to make less polluting substances or biodegradable substances. This could help a lot to avoid the climate change in the earth. 

Workload and length of studies:
Now talking about the schedule that I have, I'd remove classes after 6 pm because some people have to travel a lot to get to their homes and then when they are at their homes usually they have to study and studiying at night it's not very good for anyone. 

Faculty facilities:
About the facilities in this faculty I'd make the library bigger or with a second floor, and also I'd make a bigger cafeteria so we don't have to eat outside when it's winter. Also I'd like to have a gym and I think a lot of people wants to have one for the CFG or just to workout, usually when someone wants to go to the gym they have to go to the faculty of odontology or medicine.

I think the technology in this faculty is very good in the laboratories but in the case of the CIQ I'd make it bigger because sometimes there are not enough PC's for everyone to use. 

Teaching methods:
About the teaching methods, in terms of the classes there are very good but when there comes the time to do the tests, I'd like that the teachers send us the subject matters for the test a lot of time before it so we have more time to study and know what to study.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

My opinion about things :O

What's your opinion about recycling?

My opinion about recycling is that this is a very good method to use something more times in a certain process like tetrapack. I think that recycling is also needed a lot because of the polution that is produced by the humans, if we don't recycle the earth is going to become a ball made of thrash.

What's your opinion about climate change?

My opinion about the climate change is this is very bad and reflects the poor interest of the people in keeping the earth "healthy". I also think that we need to start doing more things to avoid this climate change in the earth in a short time, because if we don't do this now, there will start to be more natural disasters.

What's your opinion about having an exotic pet at home?

For me having a exotic pet in your house is not a bad thing unless the "pet" is not having a good enviroment to live and also if the pet it's not dangerous. Like in the case of a snake, a lot of people has snakes as pets, I think this is OK if the snake is not too dangerous for the owner and also it has a lot of space to move, and also the food and water obviously.

What's your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?

I think everyone have the free decision of buying or adopting pets, but in some cases it's better to adopt a pet so they won't die in the streets or stay forever in the dog pound. If I want to have a pet in the future I think I'll adopt it :D .

Some things about English...

Here is what I have to say about this course of english and also some things about "my" english. I can say that for me learning...