Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A country I would like to travel :D

I’ve never been to South Korea, I would like to go there mostly because of the architecture of the temples and palaces and also because of their main sport which is the Taekwondo.

I don’t know a lot from South Korea I just have a general idea from their culture, cities, architecture but that´s because I would like to travel there, just with a mínimum idea of how the country is, it’s very interesting!
If one day I have the opportunity to travel there I would definitely visit some famous landscapes like the Changdeok Palace or the Seoraksan National Park, they seem to be very interesting.


Changdeok Palace                                                               Seoraksan National Park

On the other hand, I would try to go to a Taekwondo exhibition, I already practice that sport but, I think that is very important to know how the people from the country where it was created practice it. Also I would like to train there :D.

I hope one day I can travel there :D

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