Wednesday, April 25, 2018

My favourite book and film

First I want to say that I don´t read a lot of books and the ones that I tried to read or had to read for school, I forget them. Anyways I don´t have a favourite book but I´ll say that the “Chemistry” book of Raymond Chang will be one of my favourite books just by the fact that I´ll learn a lot of chemistry from it and it will help me to get through the courses of chemistry during my university “life”. I think it´s a very good book because it explains the  subjects of Chemistry in a form that anyone can learn.

Now my favourite film is “The Lord of the Rings” from J.R.R Tolkien, because of this my favourite book should be The lord of the rings but I haven´t read the books :P.

 I really like this film and the entire saga  of the lord of the rings, including the “Hobbit” saga. What I like the most of this sagas is the stories behind them, there is the main story which is the course that follows the “ring” and Frodo, and at the same time there are the stories of Aragorn, Legolas, Gandalf and many other characters that they all together try to defeat the forces of Sauron (main evil guy) so Frodo can destroy the ring. Also It´s a very well made film with a lof of special effects and a good acting, I think that it can be appreciated because The lord of the rings won 11 Oscars in total. I plenty recommend this film if you are a fan of middle earth fiction or medieval things.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Best concert I´ve ever had

The best concert I’ve ever had was on the “Santiago Gets Louder” Festival 3 years ago on September. That day many bands played like System Of A Down, Deftones, Lamb Of God, Gojira, Faith No More and many more but in my opinion the best band on that day or the band that sounded better was Gojira. Gojira sounded amazing, I’ve been to many concerts but no other band sounded as good as Gojira sounded that day.

Gojira is a Death Metal band, they are from France and their integrants are Joe Duplantier (voice, guitar), Mario Duplantier (Drums), Christian Andreu (guitar) and Jean-Michel Labadie (bass). They have many albums but for me the best is From Mars to Sirius and my favorite song of that album is The haviest matter of the universe.
The atmosphere during the concert was amazing, all the people were rocking their songs as hard as they could and I was astonished by the amazing quality of the sound, I remember that the song Flying Whales was one of the best song they played that day it was really amazing.

Gojira - Flying Whales (Live At Brixton Academy, London) (I tried to post the video here but I couldn't find it :( )

That Festival of music was very especial for me also because I went with my father that played that day in the band Recrucide, I had the oportunity to go backstage and see some of the most famous bands members like System Of A Down, Lamb Of God (I took a picture with the drummer and the bassist), Gojira, Deftones and Faith No More.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A country I would like to travel :D

I’ve never been to South Korea, I would like to go there mostly because of the architecture of the temples and palaces and also because of their main sport which is the Taekwondo.

I don’t know a lot from South Korea I just have a general idea from their culture, cities, architecture but that´s because I would like to travel there, just with a mínimum idea of how the country is, it’s very interesting!
If one day I have the opportunity to travel there I would definitely visit some famous landscapes like the Changdeok Palace or the Seoraksan National Park, they seem to be very interesting.


Changdeok Palace                                                               Seoraksan National Park

On the other hand, I would try to go to a Taekwondo exhibition, I already practice that sport but, I think that is very important to know how the people from the country where it was created practice it. Also I would like to train there :D.

I hope one day I can travel there :D

Some things about English...

Here is what I have to say about this course of english and also some things about "my" english. I can say that for me learning...